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Bulking season

I often get asked if bulking is important for you, well yes and no. It depends, if you want to built more muscles, than yes, you need that extra food to built these gains. But I recommend it to people getting more into fitness industry or in the beginning of their journey, because thats when you want to focus the most on building these muscles. Its different situation, if you are overweight, there is more important to get rid of extra fat, before building these muscles. So if you feel small, you want to get bigger, rounder butt or you just want to get your metabolism going (its often broken, after long time in dieting) than bulking is right for you.

So whats important before going into bulk? Your goals. There are two types of bulking a, lean bulk or  b, dirty bulk. a, lean bulk - is when you want to maintain your fat percentage in the same numbers, you will gain some fat but, much less than in dirty bulk. And you are still doing cardio, in this time period. b, dirty bulk - well, its more fun yes, but getting the extra fat after getting out of bulk is for me not worth these food, its when you are not counting macros at all, and you are eating shitty foods. And you are not doing any cardio. So whats your choice? Mine is lean bulk, so thats what I am going to talk today.

Before lean bulking
If you were long time in diet e.g. 5 months or more, I suggest getting off for some time. You want healthy body and mind, don't you? So give your body a break, try to eat whatever you fucking want, but still workout, but because you want not need. This period shouldn't be longer than 2 weeks. After that point your goals, but realistic. For example you want to bulk for 6 months and gain 15 Ibs of lean muscle. 

Bulking macros
I have lot to say to this, so if you want I will make separate article about this. But the basics are, that you need to eat in surplus.
In training days - +400-600kcal 
In non training days - +100-200kcal
above your maintenance.
So for example if you need for maintaining 2000kcal, for bulking you need at least 2400kcal.
Go for the middle way, and if you need to, add carbs later. 
20-25% fat 
0.8-1.25g of protein per 1 pound of body weight
and the rest are carbs :)

From cut to bulk
You need to add slowly calories, and carbs. So make 8-12 week plan, with goal macros. Slowly increase carbs each week, the fats and protein are the same. You should be fine.

Cardio and bulking
Well yes, you should do it. Its so beneficial, but I know your feelings, I don't like it so much too, but its worthy. In the beginning try to do 3 sessions per week and as you get deeper into your bulk, slowly increase the intensity or time per week, I recommend to stay on the range 2 sessions per week. But it doesn't have to be in the gym, it can be fun, something you like to do, like dancing, climbing, swimming, cycling... Its up on you.

I wish you good luck in your bulk and I am looking forward on your gains. If your goal is to build nice butt, wish you girl luck, but keep your head up, we are in it together. And for boys, remember muscles are muscles, and every like every girl wants that. If you are struggling with something don't hesitate to contact me. My email is misheele.15@gmail.com
Love ya 
Your Misheele xoxo


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