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Zobrazují se příspěvky z březen, 2016
Just not feeling it Are you just not going hard how you want? Now I mean in the gym Are you going to the gym and wondering why are you not doing how you want to? I will hep you. Its because your motivation is going down maybe you have another preferences. You must stick your goals and go for them. The most important thing is to stick one big goal which is long way away but it is very important to you. And then you must stick small goals to get to the big goal. Its simple. But in the same way its so hard, I know. But if is something really important to you, you will stick to it. Change things up!   Thats so important I know you are over your workouts, maybe you don't realize it. But try to change things up, you will be more happy trust me. Do more reps, push harder, do the one exercise that you hate or you always wanted to try, you will see the progress over the time and thats the best thing about it. Maybe you are doing something you really...
AM I GOOD ENOUGH?! Sometimes we all feel like, do they like me, am I good enough for them?? My answer is in this article. Oh my god, look at you. You are you. You are worthy, you are amazing, you are beautiful, you must just realize that. Because when you ask yourself if you are good enough for somebody, something is wrong, I mean don't you see that if you don't love yourself how can somebody else love you? Its impossible, you must love yourself the most to be loved back. Do they make me feel this way?? They are not worth your time... Please realize that if somebody is making you feel that you are not good enough, you shouldn't spend with them time even few seconds with this person is waste of time. Please say goodbye to them forever. You will thank me later.. What should I do in this situation?!  Well thats a good question. You should take your time. Spend some time alone, you will see how much you need it. At least try to do some sports, go for a...
Types of people at the gym 1. Ms Beauty Everyone knows these girls, they put ton of makeup before they enter the gym. Why the f..ck does someone do this? They probably want to get some sexy boyfriend, but they are on the wrong place. There is everybody doing their own shit and going home. 2. Coffee girls They are talking so much, just like in coffee shop, OMG! Stop! Please, you are so annoying. And the worst is when they are on some equipment 20min. and you really need to go there. I hate this people. 3. I KNOW EVERYTHING Oh my god, this is my favorite, they are doing everything wrong but wren you are trying to help them, they are rude to you. Why? Because they are thinking they are the best, everything is right, thats why they are squaring with terrible form, knees to the sides and the next day they are saying that they don't feel anything and that their back hurts, yes why not, if you think that go more heavy with terrible form is the bes...
Is protein bad for you? I see this question all the time. Usually people who hates your lifestyle or your family say that it is bad for you. I get angry when I hear it....please when you don't know about something even one thing, please don't try to say that something is bad for me. Protein is the best way to recover your muscles after hard training session. Its source of protein that helps you to get into you everything you need like bcaa and protein. It helps you to grow muscle mass. So why so many people say that it is bad for you? Its the huge claim that everyone sees, you are doing successfully so they are grudging you. And they feel bad so whats better for them to judge something that you are really using, and say its bad for you and that you should using it. They are thinking that you will fall after that, but they don't know that if you really bad want something, you will get it. Please never listen to this, its not worth your energy. Or eve...