Is protein bad for you?
I see this question all the time. Usually people who hates your lifestyle or your family say that it is bad for you. I get angry when I hear it....please when you don't know about something even one thing, please don't try to say that something is bad for me.
Protein is the best way to recover your muscles after hard training session. Its source of protein that helps you to get into you everything you need like bcaa and protein. It helps you to grow muscle mass. So why so many people say that it is bad for you? Its the huge claim that everyone sees, you are doing successfully so they are grudging you. And they feel bad so whats better for them to judge something that you are really using, and say its bad for you and that you should using it. They are thinking that you will fall after that, but they don't know that if you really bad want something, you will get it. Please never listen to this, its not worth your energy. Or even when they say that protein is an steroid, I am laughing. Please people think about things you are saying.
I have read several articles and never have any study confirm that protein is bad for you or even dangerous how some people things.
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