Just not feeling it
Are you just not going hard how you want? Now I mean in the gym
Are you going to the gym and wondering why are you not doing how you want to? I will hep you. Its because your motivation is going down maybe you have another preferences. You must stick your goals and go for them. The most important thing is to stick one big goal which is long way away but it is very important to you. And then you must stick small goals to get to the big goal. Its simple. But in the same way its so hard, I know. But if is something really important to you, you will stick to it.
Change things up! Thats so important
I know you are over your workouts, maybe you don't realize it. But try to change things up, you will be more happy trust me. Do more reps, push harder, do the one exercise that you hate or you always wanted to try, you will see the progress over the time and thats the best thing about it. Maybe you are doing something you really like but it will not work for ever, so change things up and then you can come back, you will have more experience and it will be better trust me.
Over train? Its one main problem for someone
Train hard but smart. Please it is so important to give yourself a proper rest, do you have only one full rest day per week, thats not enough. Try to have two full rest days, I know its hard, I still don't rest how I should, but then I see how my body respond, I am ill, and I am the person which is never ever ill, so here you have it. Listen to your body, even if you don't want to.
Life for some
is dull and meaningless
because they don't
have passion, so find
what you love,
and burn for it.
Mark Anthony
Love it, keep going with such a good job.
OdpovědětVymazatThanks babe