Sometimes we all feel like, do they like me, am I good enough for them?? My answer is in this article.
Oh my god, look at you. You are you. You are worthy, you are amazing, you are beautiful, you must just realize that. Because when you ask yourself if you are good enough for somebody, something is wrong, I mean don't you see that if you don't love yourself how can somebody else love you? Its impossible, you must love yourself the most to be loved back.
Do they make me feel this way?? They are not worth your time...
Please realize that if somebody is making you feel that you are not good enough, you shouldn't spend with them time even few seconds with this person is waste of time. Please say goodbye to them forever. You will thank me later..
What should I do in this situation?! Well thats a good question.
You should take your time. Spend some time alone, you will see how much you need it. At least try to do some sports, go for a run, when I was feeling like this, I went running, some sprints, and trust me I HATE running so much, but I love sprints, I was so happy that I did it. Why? Because my head clear up, I realized couple things and it was fun, and I felt so much better after it. So what should you take from this? Try to do things that you used to love, but for whatever reason you stopped doing it. Do you used to dance, go and pay a one class and enjoy, do you used to sing, go and sing your favorite song, do you used to ride a horse, go to a farm and ride a horse, you will see how much you needed that!! Just be happy, be you, thats all what matters, not things what other people say, you know who you are so be proud of it.
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