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What is love?
It is something you can't describe, but it changes your life like hell yes. It keeps you feeling like a princess or like piece of shit, literally. You start questioning yourself, you start to feel some changes in your life and you will change as a person, it depends how, but at most you change to better one. I recommend you, to start documenting your feelings, write a journal, start an youtube channel just something, where you can describe your feelings you are having each day. You will start to feel that everything is possible if you set your mind to it. You will sometimes question yourself if this all is worth the pain? My answer? Listen your soul. Cry if you need to, laugh as much as you can and appreciate every single moment you have. One day you will be glad, that you did. Ask, as much as you can. Every single argument makes you stronger, if you can handle it, and I am sure you can. Love isn't always perfect, so this is huge part of it, you should keep that in mind. But however, it is something you can't be ready, if it comes it hits you in time you would never be ready for. When you think you just don't love anymore, you start remembering all these moments and suddenly you realize you do,that you will always. Once you start it is like a drug you can't stop so easy. You just can't describe it in one word its the best thing is the world but in the same time it is pain and questioning everyone. But once you catch it hold it until you know you won't regret it. Be smart and you will be where you want to be, trust me. At the same time you should know when it is healthy and when not, you should have your own life also without your love all the time. Did you liked hanging out with your friends and now you haven't seen them in while? Why? Keep connections with them, go out with them but not every weekend like you used to but once a month, thats called balance. And you need that as everything in life. Even if you are a girl, keep friendships with guys, because they can help you, they have been there too but on the other side. As long as the boy is aware that you are in relationship it is completely okay. And as for boys, you should know that girls are jealous, so keep your girl friends, but don't chat with them everyday, only time to time, if you are really in love with your girlfriend you won't need this connections with other girls, if you need something is not right. But say it to your girlfriend, don't be shy to talk, tell them that you are in connection with this girl, because if you don't do that it seems to her that you are hiding something before her or that you are even cheating, and thats not what you want. Right? So keep your head up, if the person is worth all the pain you are going threw, it will last if not, something even better is going to happen. Everything bad is for something good. Every pain you go threw leaves in you something, which makes you you. And at the end thats all which matters, trust me. I have been there too. Everyone eventually will be one day. So what is love for you? Have you ever been in love? Describe it with one word.
xoxo Misheele



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