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16 things I learned in 16 years

A month ago, I turned 16 and I want to share with you, what have I learned. Enjoy.

1. Being sad is okay.
Not always you will feel happy, its called life. Whats important, is to move on. Cry, get it out but move on. Once it will be just past, its up to you if future will turn out better.

2. Do what ever the fuck you want.
People will always judge you, no matter what you do. If its bad or good, its important that you are happy, not them. Its your life, so have fun.

3. Listen to others.
Not always you are right, and its okay when you ask for help, even when you don't seem like you need it. Learn, you will thank yourself later.

4. Love.
I think no more words is needed to say to this..Tell them, its better to say it too much than not enough.

5. Laugh heels everything.

6. Compliment strangers.
Each day compliment at least one stranger, it will make them happy same as it will make happy you. At least try it.

7. Do one things that scares you, every day.
Life is too short to not do them.

8. You are fucking awesome.
Just saying.

9. If you can dream it, you can do it.

10. Don't give a fuck.
People are not always nice, thats okay, not let that turn you down, please.

11. People will change, and not always you will like it.
Its okay, just sometimes they have change in way that is not appearing to you. You will find new friends, boyfriends, its okay.

12. Don't do anything for boys.
Thats an important one, do everything because you want not because you think they will like it. Does for you, not for boys. Act how you want not how they want. Don't let them do to you, something you don't want to.

13. Saying no, is okay.
You shouldn't say yes to everybody and everything, not always its good for you. And you can't make everybody happy.

14. Be alone.
Its important to spend time with you. How can make you anybody happy, if you are not happy about yourself?

15. Travel as much as you can.
Memories is something none can ever stole you, so make as much memories as you can. Travel as much as you can, never miss an opurtunity, you will regret it later. You will learn so much, meet so much people. Life living in one place is not worth living.

16. Sometimes you should break rules to have fun and be happy.
Last but not least. These are the memories you will one day say to your kinds, so make them as awesome as you want.

Hope they inspired you to be better than you were yesterday.
Have a nice day
xoxo Misheele


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