How can I speed up my recovery?
Well everyone knows when you can barely walk after hard leg day. So how can you speed up the recovery progress?
1. Take BCAA, they help you to recover faster.
2. Train the sore body part, for example if you have very sore legs try to train them for example after
two days, some lighter weights help to recover much more faster.
3. Use foam roller, it helps so much! I used to not use it and I was sore all the time. Definitely a must.
4. And the last but not least is warm up and stretch every time, most people forget to warm up, its a
huge difference if you warm up and if not. And also you will have much more better lifts.
Are squats essential?
Come on guys! Its not only great leg exercise, its all body compound exercise. It activates your core, back, arms, legs, glutes. So if you don't squat, what the heck are you doing? But be careful before you go heavy, you should have correct form, besides it you are hurting yourself. So squat heavy but smart.
Do I need cardio?
Its all about your goal, if you want to gain lean muscle without fat gain, I suggest you to do HIIT training, it builds muscle and burn so much fat in small amount of time. But if you are doing steady state cardio all the time stops! At first its so boring and secondly your body adaps on it so fast. So its hard to shock body. But if your goal is to improve your heart health it so good for you, but not for fat loss. So it depends, but if you want to lose fat then yes. But if not, you don't need to.
Do I need carbs?
Are you seriously asking me this question? Let me ask you something. Do you train hard? Do you use your brain? Do you need energy? Do you want to be healthy? If yes yes you need carbs! They are so important. They gives you energy for your training, for your recovery, for your brain. So if you hesitates, do not please. They won't make you fat, if you don't eat plenty of them. At least eat then before and after your workout and you are good to go.
Try to do every day things the way, you won't regret anything later. Thats the best way to live.
Your Misheele xoxo.
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