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Zobrazují se příspěvky z listopad, 2016
Sometimes you should take risks.. Have you ever done, something, which isn't really in your plan of life? Something which seamed wrong? But than you realized, that thats what is called life. Stepping out of your comfort zone, it is so important to do things you love end enjoy but at the same time stick to your goals. Because when you won't one day you will realize that its too late, that your live have passed, and there is nothing you can do about it. So do crazy things, take risks but work hard at the same time. Sometimes wine or pizza with friends, is something your soul needs and sometimes rice and chicken and hard training, is what you need to be happy. For example me yesterday, I came to gym and suddenly realized, that I'v forgotten my gym pants, and I only had jeans on. So I was thinking, should I buy pants which I don't need or should I skip? I was there with my boyfriend and I am really  indecisive so it was hard, but I realized that I haven't slept m...
What means life for you? Every time I see a family with small kids, I question myself is this what I want? Go to school, go out, go to the job with some dick manager I won't like, find my love, whom I will caught cheating on me with other woman or even something worse, have kids and eventually became slave to them and then die. I mean this is not what I am working for. Sure that I want to have family, but not like this. I am that person who is creative, and when you take them this part of their life off, they will burn off in themselves and will be living very unhappily. I need to travel, it is something, which makes me very happy and I just can't be without it. I also can't work for someone, so I just can't be slave to someone and seem to be happy. No I am the person, who tells true, no matter what, I must say what I really think not only something I think the other person will like. I also love gym, its a huge part of my life, its over 3 years now, that I started li...