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Zobrazují se příspěvky z červen, 2016
Stucked. Are you feeling stucked? Like nothing is going your way? Look at it as someone else, do you see the mistakes? If dont ask yourself few questions. Are you giving it your all? Are your training effective? Do you have a well build training a food plan? And do you have a goal to work for? Is your scale going down? If yours answers to all questions are yes, you are not sucked, you are only picking yourself. But if your answer is not, you should change something. And we will find out where the problem is. 1. Dieting Are you in caloric deficit for longer time? And your scale is just not moving down? Congrats you have funded the problem. Start doing reseed days. How often depends on how long are you dieting, its a period of time when you over load yourself with carbs, the protein intake stay the same and you should have as little fat as you can. Maximal amount is 50g of fat. It really helps, but you shouldn't take it as cheat day. Or you can also lower your inta...
Passions Lately I was thinking, what is my passion, do we have passions? Yes we do, and we should be fighting for them everyday, it is so important. They keeps you different from these all people you see every day. Love, shine, grind and be awesome every day, push to your limits and never ever give up. Thats the message I want to give you, it is so important. Who would be, without our goals, passions, hobbies or even people we love and we surround ourself with. So go get there, where you want. Its only about the work you put in. How bad do you want it? Ask this question every time, when you are consisting whenever to give up or push more. You already know how it looks when you give up, but dont you want to see how it looks when you dont? Dont waste your time, use it properly. xoxo Misheele
WASTED LIFE Hi guys, lately I have been thinking about our attitude. Why are we sometimes not bringing our best? Why don't we push little harder, worry little less and enjoy the moment little more. Whenever in life overall or in fitness. Think about the last time you could push little harder. Why haven't you? If you could. Look on people like you look on animals. Some of them are more successful e.g. they catch up some less successful animals, they even kill them. Now I don't talk about murders, but about that someone is head of big company and someone is an witness. Isn't it ironic? You could be whatever you wanted, and you ended like a witness. Its only about the work you put into your dreams. None of them haven't just dreamt and the things just happened in their ways. Maybe sometimes they had luck, but that doesn't meant that they weren't working hard. You only see the results, not the hard work.  Why are you wasting time? Why do you chat so much? ...